The Path of Silence
The Path of Silence
Silence (Easeful/Tranquil) Meditation
A Method Purification and Transformation Mind
The practice wants spiritual evolution but still obstacles such as religious as the disease itself more or obstacles such as religious center as difficult temperament, scowling, impatient, irresistible desire, temptation, arm in arm, etc ...
During the research, exchange experiences and learn to understand the practitioners from many disciplines, as well as those only just do Silence Meditation method, we strive to find the Additional ways that can bring people happiness more sustainable, with the final destination point is liberation. Liberation from what? It is not out of this life as it is often misunderstood, which is out of all bound by his own mind, out of which we are often said to be "true, false" makes us painfully, the from the karma from past lives and present life to the practitioner can live happy, cavalier, in order. Then, you can help others find joy, help improve society decreasing crime, violence and suffering. When children and adults are able to neutralize the power of violence, then inside the school will be the paradise of childhood, the family will be the home of the people.
Although there are many methods and as they say: "is the way to Rome", but we want to choose the shortest path, easy to go, who to go also, who went will come and to the right in this life. After a period of experimentation together, we decided to take following methods with you, so-called Kundalini snake fire, ie Silent Meditation; a method to reconcile and additional features to make most of the practitioner overcome obstacles and deadlocked on the path, allowing the secular improvements in both body and mind.
The experience showed us that this approach meets the needs purification, Perforce body through the meridians to heal the disease itself, meet the needs of suffering, the cause of all who seek it. And precisely Guru Osho wrote that anyone has actually succeeded in opening snake Kundalini will no longer capable of violence, no longer capable of causing pain to others, no greed should no stealing, no longer capable of addiction and no longer desires to control his body anymore. These are the signs we will gradually be able to pass this test.
Kundalini Yoga Schools of India (ie religious enlightenment by way of arousing snake fire) often arises in this capacity behind the spine. Tibetans have Inner Fire, and Chinese Qigong is largely inspired from the hara heat up in the middle or front of the body.
In ancient books, needles, this power is often considered to be closely related to the phenomenon as purifying the body, opening the meridians, recovery morale, over suffering, over karma, psychic ability, progress cultural and spiritual achievements. According to the literature, this energy is very difficult to open and the method is often esoteric way so lucky few who have learned.
Currently, Vietnam has a formula "new" to wake her capacity as a mendicant monk who found: Thich Giac Nhiệm. Saying this formula "new" because the first time opened the way can be widely, that is no longer reserved for some special people as before. Next new things that we can do easily and effectively in an unexpected way. Everyone has the ability to open this capacity, regardless of age, school, religion, educational level, or spiritual.
When monk was at home, by way of meditation, almost accidentally, monk Thich Giac Nhiem itself arouse this ability. Then, at the age of 19, monk practicing sect of Buddhist mendicant Vietnam.
However, until more than 40 years later, new research monks found the formula to open preliminary both easy and less time consuming than the old traditions. Later, a group of practitioners of collaborative research and experimentation, this method is adjusted to the detailed instructions, progressively more effective, more quickly.
However, until more than 40 years later, new research monks found the formula to open preliminary both easy and less time consuming than the old traditions. Later, a group of practitioners of collaborative research and experimentation, this method is adjusted to the detailed instructions, progressively more effective, more quickly.
The key to opening this power is Silence. Silence is not silent not say anything that is in you minds does not have an idea raised in the heart completely calm, there is no oscillation at all.
According to the monk, Silence is the energy of the universe, it is present everywhere, in addition to cover all species and all things, both visible and invisible. The monk said that the principle of the method is Silence Meditation anyone, using "moving thoughts" non-stop to keep her quiet place, not a thought or emotion aroused in time spent continuously from 30 minutes to 2 hours, the unconscious will naturally begin operating the sliding purification, self-adopted meridians, self opened up the potential capacity of the body without any interference of thought.
In the physical body, body heating system must continuously operate smoothly to put poison out like blood and lymphatic system. Where in the body is stuck where it is in pain, dysfunction or damage. The stalemate that related directly or indirectly to a number of diseases that are not caused by bacteria.
Impurities in the body -what? As we know, it is not entirely physical that includes non-physical part anymore. Part of physics, it is the capacity created by the toxins from food, drinking water, pollution, etc ... The non-physical capacity, it is made up of thoughts, feelings, words, action, especially from the "karma" cumulative lifetime and how many past lives. Most of us do not know that all these things constantly affect the mind and the body. You never stop and ask yourself if the constant thought in my head come from and whether or not is my own? The effects of the body before illness, injury, or body always requires malicious things, like drug addiction, alcohol, gambling, excessive lust, etc ...
The goal of meditation Silence is solved two problems in life: the Body and Mind deadlock.
About Body: Generally, two pathological origin. A deadlock is meridians in the body, leading to reduction of functional self-healing and immune function is available by itself. Since it will cause damage to many parts. The two are so "karma" impact on the functioning of the body and also show similar obstacles as the physical part.
About Mind: rimpurities in the body impact on thoughts and feelings, that people do not resist the constant thought, violence, complaints, anguish, confusion, passion, desire, or constantly thinking... Whether you're in the calculation and great or good deeds go, if you did not control myself, it is unlikely that the urge completion it is of youself. Only when we have the capacity to release and dissolve all of this energy in the body and control your mind and go to true happiness, peace and liberation and deliverance.
When the mind no longer toxic impact, the mind naturally restore the state of peace and light. Why? So Silent mind is inherent, true and constant in each of us. You how much life the mind and the toxic substance into the body gradually transition hide the nature of the Silence. We do not need to search it or try to "make" it. Just let go of all thoughts, it will manifest immediately.
About Invisible: now want to solve the root of suffering, you need to be aware of the invisible. We can get a general understanding of the invisible world is as follows: the invisible visible only differs in that they do not have the network itself, but the mind as they had all the visible world. In the Karma the consciousness of ourselves, plus the associated karma, is carried from generation to generation that. All the pain, sorrows, resentment, adversity, passion etc ... of the past, combined with the current transformation of life that make up what we call blessed, risk in lives.
What about the unseen realms, at first listen, it was very complicated. Those who have the ability to "perceive" the invisible world, has recorded many different information that they see us do not know what to believe. But in fact, only a general principle: All the "notice" that are different " Have real" because it expressed in each of our minds. When we have the ability to "see" them, we would like the images accumulate in you knowledge. For example, if we were taught about heaven, hell, Legs Like, Nirvana, Heaven, etc. What is the death we will see something like that. There is no right or wrong thing what it is "so" only.
So, before if one people die they lost limbs, depending cognitive of they, they can just feel: wounded, and they will according to claim payment enemies, (but really if no body, how injuries are still ?!) So, if there is a "miracle" that can "heal" the lesions ("soul" is no see lost limbs, find everything intact as old), they would be happy to "ignore the old story". If someone pointed out to they to see life they have also hurt the other person (in past lives), at that time they realized the "ungainly" should also fun "let go tha ". When alive, the people has consciousness entice should not find to be joyful, then the die, it is karma, vicious in suffering the same affliction.
If there is a compassionate healing force, a force of wisdom that helps us understand the wise "ungainly" the other, then we will naturally be freed from the bondage of this consciousness. So now the main thing is to liberate the soul, the also ignorance in you. When the karma being freed, you be secure. Silence Meditation able to help us solve the root causes of suffering for ourselves and those connected karma with you. In the framework of the limited few pages, can only say something similar brief.

Progression to open this capability includes 3 stages:
Stage 1 is the initial ventilation: ie make sweat and brought before the form is heat "body" from the inside out according to the pores and vented through the top of the head (chakras 7).
Phase 2 is the ventilation via two circuits "Nhan-Doc" (2 big meridians ) : your concentration practice will collect dirt in the body and two meridians large, running along the road in front of the abdomen and along the spine, up to the neck or head, the top two lines together, then "opened" an invisible hole in the top of the head assembly (hat is chakras 7) and go outside.
Phase 3 is the snake fire (Heat is caused by static sitting): it is the capacity mystery unfolds kundalini (very hot), moving slowly upward from below the last vertebra, sometimes stopping a few times in neck ( chakras 5) slowly up head and get outside.
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