As we have seen, the Kundalini is one of the power comes from the sun and completely separate, discriminate against Fohatic and Prana, as far as we know so far, they are not transformed into any Any other kind of force.
Kundalin has been called by many different names that Mars bar, Mars and Lady of the World features. Clairvoyance to see it appear authentic like liquid fire as it runs through the body and route it to go through it as a spiral like the coils of a snake. The name Lady World is appropriate because thanks to it that everything is new can be flexible.
A traditional symbol of the spine and Kundalini is the tree god of gods Mercure staff, which is a stick in the top left like a cone information. In India, we also see that symbol, but instead of a stick, it is a bamboo stick with seven burning, burning bamboo course of performing the seven chakras seven power centers. In some mysterious metamorphosis of the law, people use a hollow rod of iron, containing the fire to hear what the inside, replace the scepter of the god Mercure. They say that the pillars of modern advertising barbershop has a similar meaning, this pillar is certainly a very ancient symbol with spiral bands and a knob at the end; barbershop today derives from the ancient surgery, they also practiced alchemy knitting, a primitive nature of science rather than spiritual-material.
Kundalini exists in all realms of which we know nothing, and it seems to have seven layers including the extent of the force.
Vía may initially be a nearly inert mass, only the most vague sense, incapable of determining do anything and there is no clear understanding of the world around them. Kundalini is time off work in the astral centers where the respective forces with its center at the last spine. It moves to the second power center near the navel, making this versatile power centers, thereby arousing the emotions can Vía capacity and sensitivity without clearly understanding.

The mechanism by which we know is happening on the astral very interesting and students should understand that. Although we can identify the specialized agencies, each agency is located in a department identified and fixed in the body to see, hear, etc. . ., But in the Vía may have different arrangements, do not have the specialized agencies to achieve the results that we target.
Physical condition can Vía in regular movement, the county scurry around like boiling water particles and all particles are in turn go through each one of its centers. So every one of the central forces are capable of arousing the particles can Vía capacity to respond to a particular set of vibrations corresponding to the realm of what is known as the pink ceiling vibration light, sound, heat, etc. . . So when the power center of Vía can be made flexible and operate in sequence, they supply enough power for the entire second material that can be Vía Vía can manipulate him in any capacity on his part. Therefore, a person can operate in Vía can see things clearly in front of me, behind me, above his head and his feet like the other. Therefore we can not describe the chakras or centers of power are sensory organs according to the ordinary meaning of the term, although we bestow the power of the senses to be Vía.
But even if the senses can Vía was off work is absolutely perfect would not be inferred that people can put into your body any consciousness about the impact of his senses . Indeed, in the mundane sense on y can not know anything about it. The only way to make sense of the experience on the astral may be included in the ordinary sense, is passed through the center of the force corresponding to Phach which must be flexible and boots before .
Method boots identical method used to select Vía, means by which the potential to arouse Kundalini course material in the center near the last state in the spine.
The offshore activities are accomplished by the efforts to identify and sustained by the will, given its central spine at last in action, in fact it is the Kundalini off work. Once it is off work due to the tremendous power of his, in turn, also flexibly other power centers. The effect on the human heart is included in the mundane sense in which the power is off work due to the development of the center where the respective forces can Vía.
However, to generate these results, Mars bar to move to the chakras according to a certain order and a certain way, which varies the different types of people. The mysterious part in understanding these issues through direct knowledge are always extremely careful not given clues that Mars bar in order to go through the human heart. The reason is because there are very serious risk that the severity of it almost can not be overstated await those who arouse Kundalini random too soon. It made the most serious warning against any attempt to work off until ripe and unless the guidance of a Masters or a mystic adept part.
Before activating the Kundalini is the absolute need to have a certain period to achieve the purity of morals and have enough strength of will to control this power. Some risks related to Mars bar which is purely physical nature. The uncontrolled movement of it often creates pain physically can imagine, it can easily rip the tissue and can even destroy the life of the flesh. It can cause permanent damage to the flesh is higher.
A very common effect of Kundalini off work early that it runs down the center of the inferior force in the body instead of going to lead to stimulation of the best real passion, which is often enhanced to the level of who absolutely can not resist them. In the grip of forces within him, he also play with like a diver in the jaws of a shark. Those that become predators demons, monsters unbridled depravity as a power beyond the reach of human resistance. They can achieve some supernatural power, but these things just take them step into contact with human beings under which estimated that humans should not communicate and want to escape the clutches may it takes more than a lifetime. There is a school of magic which deliberately used this power in this way, but the center inferior force in this school are using it to always be strictly forbidden by the followers of Dharma or legal Eightfold arts.
The early arouse Kundalini, as well as strengthen the things in human nature, and indeed reached the vile habit of virtue easier. Such as ambition which can be off work Tri very easily and grow to an excessive level. Along with the tremendous enhancement of intellectual people will have abnormal heart conceit like Satan. Kundalini force is not the normal force which is something Championships. If a lack of understanding miss it on the wild coast of medicine should immediately consult someone complete understanding of these issues. In Hathayogapradipika said: "It gives liberation to the Taoist yoga and bound for the fool".
There are some cases where spontaneous Kundalini get off work so that people feel a warm stream: it may even (though rarely) started moving again. In this case it can cause painful stinging because trade route was not prepared for it, so it must clear the way by actually burned residue of course many state capital is a process course pain. In such cases, often forces emanate from within the spine, instead of spirals which the occultist is trained to lead. If possible we will try to stop the use of loading up on him, but if it does not appear to be (almost probably are) then it will probably go through the first corner and exit to the atmosphere that is probably not harm than makes people go a little weak. It can also cause temporary loss of consciousness. However, the really serious risks involved are not loading up on that is to run down.
As I mentioned briefly, the principal function of Kundalini in the development of occultism is experienced centers of power and flexibility to Phach center of this force that we take for granted the Chinese experience in the sense in the world mundane. Thus, the book Voice of the Silence teaches that flexible work force center between the eyebrows in this way makes it possible to hear the voice of the Masters, which is the voice of the Self. This is explained through the line when fully operational Yen surely provide a link between consciousness completely on the astral and in the mundane sense.
The master Kundalini must be repeated in every life because every life has its new body, but after it had achieved its ultimate is the repetition becomes an easy matter.
Creating links between consciousness on the mundane and the consciousness of Self, also the corresponding section where the higher realms, ie Chon falls associated with mental consciousness Chon, Chon also associated with mental consciousness God.
Age does not seem to affect the development of the chakras thanks to the Kundalini, but health is needed because only a robust body can withstand the stress.
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